Problems signing into Financial Aid Net Partner


If you are receiving an error message when attempting to sign into the Financial Aid Student Access link on my.lakeland, please follow these steps:

1. Clear your browser's cache and cookies. Here are instructions on how to do this on popular browsers:

  1. Google Chrome
  2. Microsoft Edge
  3. Mozilla Firefox
  4. Safari

2. Close all windows of your web browser, and then reopen it. Then, go to

3. Click on the my.Lakeland button under Single Sign-On Users. Then, log in using your Lakeland email and password.

4. Click on the Financial Student Access (Net Partner) link on the left-hand side.

Please also try using a different web browser or restarting your computer. 


If you are continuing to have issues signing in, please contact the IT Helpdesk by using our Service Catalog, or dial 920.565.1143.



Article ID: 14426
Thu 7/6/23 9:29 AM
Thu 7/6/23 11:17 AM