How to Add Lakeland Email to iOS Device

  1. Select the Settings app
  2. Scroll down and find the Mail app and select it
  3. Select 'Accounts'
  4. Select 'Add Account'
  5. Select Microsoft Exchange
  6. Enter your Lakeland email in the 'Email' field and you can leave the 'Description' box clear
  7. Press on 'Next' and there will be a pop-up for a "Sign in to your "" Exchange account using Microsoft?" and select sign in
  8. It will bring up a new screen where there will be a Lakeland University logo at the top, enter your password and select sign in
  9. Accept the MFA and the screen will change to show Mail, Contacts, Calendars, Reminders, and Notes
  10. Leave the defaults by pressing save on the top right corner
  11. The account is now added to your mail app
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Article ID: 4331
Mon 3/21/22 10:33 AM
Tue 6/7/22 12:42 PM