When purchasing a laptop for college, it can be challenging to know what you'll need. There are reasons why laptops may cost a variety a prices and it's important to know what you're exactly buying, but more importantly buying what's necessary for your studies/major. Listed down below will provide some specifications about what to mainly look for when looking to purchase a laptop for the 2024-2025 year. There may be some laptops that may/may not have the specific suggested specs, but it is highly recommended to get most things.
(Gaming Laptops should be fine by today's standards, it's just sometimes they can be loud.)
(Tablet devices aren't recommended but can still be used.)
(2-3 year warranty of laptop is highly suggested.)
Suggested Specifications:

Intel i5 11/12/13th Gen (Average Use)
Intel i7 11/12/13th Gen (Advanced Use)

Ryzen5 7000/8000 series (Average Use)
Ryzen7 7000/8000 series (Advanced use)
macOS (Apple):

M1/M2 Chip (Average Use)

M3 Chip (Advanced Use)
16GB of DDR4/DDR5 RAM - (RAM makes functioning the laptop easier/faster.)
(If possible, ask if there is 2 sticks of 8GB of RAM rather than 1 due to a thing called "dual channel", which is makes functioning faster than 1 stick of 16GB of RAM.)
512GB SSD or NVMe - (SSD or NVME makes downloaded applications and data transfer faster.)
Ethernet Port - (Wired connection is faster than wireless connection.)


10'in Ethernet Cord - (Cord that allows you to use wired connection).
Optional Peripherals:
- Wired/Wireless Headphones/Earbuds
- Wired/Wireless Mouse
- Wire/Wireless Keyboard
- Laptop Sleeve (Protection for the laptop.)
- USB Hub (Some laptops may have a few usb ports and more may be needed.)
- 16/32GB USB Flash Drive
- 256GB Portable Hard Drive
- 24inch Monitor w/HDMI Cable (Able to project a 2nd screen for multi tasking.)
NOT Required:
Office 365 - (Lakeland University provides all students Office 365).
If there is any questions regarding this article or anything else, please feel free to contacts us!
Phone: 920.565.1143
Email: Helpdesk@lakeland.edu