Collaborate - Home networking troubleshooting tips


Determining if your home network is the likely culprit

  1. Try a different browser if possible OR try an incognito or private browser window to make sure an add-on or extension is not blocking the Collaborate Ultra page from loading correctly. 
  2. Collaborate Ultra provides a Network Connection Status tool that is used to monitor the health of your Internet connection. The tool will indicate if you are experiencing packet loss or latency on your network's uplink or downlink. Click here for more information.
  3. Try a different computer on the same network connection. If the alternate computer exhibits the same symptoms, the issue is likely caused by your network or ISP. 
  4. If other devices on the same network are having issues, such as the ones below, the issue is likely caused by your network or ISP.
    • Buffering while streaming videos or music/audio.
    • Lagging while playing video games online.
    • Webpages loading slowly.
  5. If using WiFI, try switching to a hard wired connection to determine if the issues are affecting your entire home network.
  6. Try the same computer on a different network connection (ex. coffee shop, local library, or cellular hotspot). If issues are resolved by changing networks, then the issue is most likely being caused by your home network or ISP.


Suggested network troubleshooting steps

If you suspect that your network or ISP is causing your Collaborate Ultra session issues, please try the following:

  • Use a hardwired Ethernet connection to your router: Windows instructions / Mac instructions
    • Check cable for signs of wear and tear.
    • Ensure the cable plug “clicks” into the computer and router.
    • Ensure that the network setting on your computer is set to Ethernet instead of WiFi.
  • If hardwiring is not an option and you must use WiFi try the following:
    • Ensure that the WiFi router is properly placed in the home for maximum efficiency.
      • For example, place the WiFi router in a high spot in the center of the room, away from other electronic devices, windows, microwaves etc.
      • Click here for more tips on how to place a router for maximum efficiency.
    • Be sure that you are located as close to the WiFi router as physically possible.
    • If the WiFi signal is weak in the area of your home you are working, a WiFi extender or higher powered WiFi router might help.
    • Ensure that your router is configured to use the best WiFi channel for a stronger signal.
  • Reboot your computer.
  • Clear your DNS cache. Click here for OS specific instructions.
  • Shut down all unnecessary programs on the computer being used to access the Collaborate Ultra session, especially programs that use an Internet connection such as email, instant messaging clients, streaming services (YouTube, Disney, Amazon, Hulu, Netflix), social media apps (Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok), other web conferencing options (Skype, Webex, Teams), etc.
  • Limit use of unnecessary network connected (including WiFi and Bluetooth) devices and services in the home like tablets, cell phones, Smart TVs, streaming devices and streaming services (YouTube, Disney, Amazon, Hulu, Netflix), gaming consoles, and other computers.
    • Please note that devices connected to mobile LTE networks do not affect your home network connection/bandwidth utilization.
  • Contact your ISP support and ask them to test your network components. If a line test does not find any issues:
    • Have ISP support walk you through changing your IP address on your router.
    • Ask ISP support to check if router firmware is up-to-date.
    • Ask ISP support if your router needs a factory reset.
    • Ask ISP support if your router hardware needs to be upgraded.
    • If you own your own router, ask ISP support if your router model is supported.
  • If you purchased your router separately, contact your router manufacturer for support.
    • Check your router configuration for potential issues with settings.
    • A factory reset may be necessary. Consult router documentation or router manufacturer support first and backup your settings!
    • Ensure that the router firmware is up-to-date. Consult router documentation or router manufacture support first and only use firmware files downloaded from your router manufacturer's website!



Article ID: 880
Tue 10/19/21 10:30 AM
Wed 11/10/21 2:52 PM