How do I check that my assignment was submitted?

Tags Blackboard


Email notifications have been enabled and students should receive an email with submission details for certain assignment types after submission.  If you did not receive an email, please follow these steps to retrieve the confirmation number to submit to your instructor: 

  1. After logging into the course, select My Grades.
  2. On the My Grades menu, choose the Submitted tab.
  3. Near the bottom, look for Submission Receipts with a linked number after it.  Select that number.  

Student Submission Receipt Location

  1. This will display the Submission Receipts page.  Either take a screen image or copy and paste the appropriate row of information and email to your instructor.  

Submission Receipts Page


  1. After logging into the course, select the Full Grade Center.
  2. Under the Reports tab, choose Submission Receipts.

Instructor Submission Report

  1. When prompted, search for a specific student by either username, first name, last name or email.

Instructor Submission Receipts Name Search

  1.  Compare submission details and confirmation number sent by student with that presented on the screen.

Instructor Submission Report Confirmation Number

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Article ID: 874
Mon 10/18/21 2:30 PM
Wed 11/10/21 1:51 PM