Apple Keyboard Shortcuts

Apple system key combinations

·         Command+Shift+Question Mark (?): Open Mac Help

·         Command+TAB: Switch between open programs

·         Command+Q: Quit program

·         Command+W: Close Window

·         Control+Delete: Move item to trash

·         Command+Shift+Q: Log off user

·         Command+I: Displays properties

Apple program key combinations

·         Command+C: Copy

·         Command+X: Cut

·         Command+V: Paste

·         Command+Z: Undo

·         Command+B: Bold

·         Command+U: Underline

·         Command+I: Italic

General keyboard-only commands

·         F1/F2: Increases/decreases brightness

·         F3: Shows all open windows

·         F4: Shows the dashboard

·         F7/F8/F9: Music playback controls

·         F10/F11/F12: Volume Controls

·         Option: Hold in a contextual dropdown menu to reveal other options or bypass dialog boxes.

Startup “Sticky Keys” (hold down after booting)

·         Command+Option+P+R: Reset PRAM

·         D: Open Apple Hardware Test

·         Command+S: Boot to single user mode

·         Command+V: Boot in verbose mode

·         Option: Show a list of bootable local and network disks, including Apple’s network recovery disk.

·         Command+N: Attempt to netboot

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Article ID: 814
Thu 10/7/21 11:23 AM
Thu 10/7/21 4:18 PM